How long does a lumbar sprain take to heal?

entorse lombaire temps guérison

Have you ever heard of a « lumbar sprain »? 

The ligaments in the lower back have a very limited range of motion, so even a relatively minor injury can cause pain and stiffness.

They are so common that 70-80% of the North American population will, at some point in their lives, be affected by this condition. 

How long does it take for my lumbar sprain to heal? This is a question that many people who suffer from this injury ask themselves. 

If you’ve recently suffered a lumbar sprain, you may be wondering how long it will take before you’re back to your usual form. 

In this blog, we’ll look at the causes, the symptoms and how long a lumbar sprain typically lasts. We will also give you some tips on how you can speed up the healing process.

If you are suffering from a back strain, this article will give you peace of mind. 

What is a lumbar sprain?

You probably already know this, but let’s do a quick review. 

A lumbar sprain, also known as « kidney strain », « lumbago » or « crossed back », involves the damage to one or more ligaments located in the lower back. 

Sometimes these pains radiate to the buttock or thigh, which can be particularly uncomfortable.

A lumbar sprain occurs when the ligaments, or strong bands of tissue that hold the bones together, are torn from their attachments. When the lumbar spine is stretched or sprained, the soft tissue becomes inflamed.

The lumbar region is the largest section of the spine and carries a lot of weight, making it vulnerable to strain and injury.

The symptoms of a lumbar sprain 

People who suffer from it have several mobility problems, especially when it comes to getting up from a seated position or bending forward. 

Otherwise, stiffness when getting up in the morning and increased pain during physical exertion may be felt.

If the ligaments are severely damaged, this can also lead to instability of the spine. 

If you think you have sprained your back, it is important to consult a chiropractor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Treatment for a lumbar sprain usually includes rest, stretching, spinal mobilization/adjustment and ice. 

In rare cases, surgery may be required to repair torn ligaments. 

Causes of a lumbar sprain

Among the many causes, here are a few:

  • Poor posture
  • A wrong movement
  • A fall
  • A trauma
  • A herniated disc

Thus, a lumbar sprain can occur if you fall and land on your back, or if you lift something heavy without using the correct technique.

It can also be caused by repetitive stress, such as sitting in an awkward position for a long time. In addition, lumbar sprains can occur as a result of a fall or a car accident.

But lumbar sprains often occur during activities that involve sudden twisting movements of the lower back, such as lifting a heavy object, turning quickly, or bending sharply.

How to get out of it as soon as possible?

First, it will be important to try to avoid any activity that might aggravate the injury, such as lifting heavy objects or bending from the waist down.

While it may be tempting to rest and hope the pain goes away on its own, inactivity can actually make the problem worse.

Most importantly, listen to your body. If you feel you can move a little, stretching is an option. 

As you begin to feel better, you can gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. Remember to rest as soon as you feel the need to do so.

Different stretches to do at home

A simple exercise is known as the McKenzie press-up. This exercise strengthens the muscles around the spine and improves range of motion. 

To do the McKenzie press-up, begin by lying on your stomach with your hands at your side. Slowly lift your head and chest off the floor, using your forearms if necessary. 

Hold this position for five seconds before coming back down. Repeat 10 times. 

how long does a lumbar sprain take to heal

Another useful exercise is the bird dog. This exercise stretches and strengthens the back and core muscles. 

To do the bird dog, get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. 

Raise your left arm straight out in front of you and extend your right leg behind you. Hold this position for five seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat 10 times on each side.

how long does a lumbar sprain take to heal

Another exercise is to sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend forward at the hips, reaching toward your toes. 

Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. 

These exercises can help stretch and strengthen the muscles around the spine, which can help the healing process. 

In addition, they can help prevent future injuries by increasing flexibility and range of motion.

Tips for relief at home 

Lower back tension can be relieved by various methods: hot and cold compresses, acupuncture, exercise, yoga, relaxation and massage.

But, it is very important to keep the body moving to avoid stiffness and further injury. Gentle stretching and low-impact exercises, such as walking or swimming, are typically recommended. 

If all that doesn’t work, call a chiropractor! That’s our specialty!

How long does a lumbar sprain last?

Well, the famous question of time. In reality, it depends on each person and the type of sprain.

For an acute lumbar sprain, the duration can be from 0 to 4 weeks. For a subacute lumbar sprain, the average duration is 4 to 12 weeks. A chronic lumbar sprain will last longer, up to 12 weeks or more. 

how long does a lumbar sprain take to heal

We know it can be discouraging to hear that it can take 12 weeks, but know that with chiropractic care and a treatment plan specially made for you, the pain can disappear more quickly.

With adjustments tailored to your condition, you should begin to see pain relief and improved function in your spine and daily life. 

Make an appointment with one of our chiropractors today.

We offer a free 30 minute initial consultation so you can come in and discuss your specific problem with us before making a decision. 

Don’t suffer another day – let us help you!

For all information, contact us

Dr. Émilie Gaudreau, chiropractor

Dr. Patrick Gaudreau, chiropractor


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Chiropractic Advices



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