The profession of chiropractor: Studies, examination and excellence 🧑‍⚕️

devenir chiropraticien

Entering the world of chiropractic requires more than just a decision; it is a complete journey through studies, internships and continuing education.

The road to becoming a chiropractor is filled with essential learning and hands-on experiences that prepare these professionals to effectively meet the needs of their patients.

In this article we detail the path that leads to this profession, highlighting the essential steps and the importance of constant training. 👇

Where to study to become a chiropractor?

Did you know that there are only 2 educational establishments in Canada to become a chiropractor? 

In Quebec, the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières is the only program within the Quebec university system. The other chiropractic school in Canada is in Ontario in Toronto. 

It’s the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.

There are also other establishments that teach chiropractic in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

In these photos, you can see Dr. Émilie Gaudreau, chiropractor who studied and graduated from the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières in May 2022.

In these photos you can see Dr. Patrick Gaudreau, chiropractor who studied and graduated in 1996 from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa.

The journey to becoming a chiropractor: A path of commitment and expertise

Becoming a chiropractor cannot be improvised.

It is the result of an intensive journey, rigorous academic study, clinical experiences and devotion to the art and science of chiropractic.

Each step of this journey trains and shapes the professional, preparing them to provide specialized care with unparalleled expertise.

Let’s detail together the path that leads to this profession. 🧑‍🎓

Initial training: School and university

Becoming a chiropractor is above all a matter of solid and rigorous training.

Each professional in this specialty has followed a detailed academic path,

guaranteeing the quality of care it provides to its patients.

It all starts with obtaining a DEC from CEGEP in natural sciences. After this stage, it’s time to deepen with a university doctorate lasting 5 years.

University training includes 4,969 hours of courses and 245 credits spread across different subjects, including the following:





Differential diagnosis








Chiropractic principles and techniques

Professional practice of chiropractic

Clinical Sciences


These studies are followed by an 18-month clinical internship carried out under the direct supervision of experienced chiropractors.

This intensive curriculum ensures that each chiropractor is not only knowledgeable, but also highly qualified to diagnose and treat a range of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.

Each year of training focuses on advanced techniques, case studies and practical internships, ensuring real-world application of knowledge. 🎓

Ultimately, when you consult a chiropractor, you can rest assured that you are dealing with a professional who has undergone nearly 7 years of intensive training.

This demanding course is the guarantee of a high level of expertise, guaranteeing quality care and a true understanding of the patient’s needs.

The role of practice and practical experience

Theoretical study is crucial to becoming a chiropractor, but it is in practice that the skills of a professional are truly revealed.

Mastering chiropractic techniques requires not only knowledge, but above all practical application.

From the start of their training, students are introduced to clinical practice.

These sessions allow them to familiarize themselves with the healthcare environment, learn how to interact with patients and, above all, apply the techniques learned in class. 🤝

These practical experiences are essential for building the self-confidence of the future chiropractor.

They allow him/her to confront a variety of cases, ranging from simple problems to complex challenges, and to adjust his/her approaches accordingly.

It’s not just about applying a technique, but understanding which treatment is best for each patient.   

Internships immerse future chiropractors in real clinical environments, allowing them to put their theoretical knowledge into practice while being supervised.

Working under the guidance of experienced chiropractors is invaluable.

These mentors bring years of experience, offering advice, tips and feedback that couldn’t be obtained in the classroom.

This immersion in the real world of chiropractic also offers another vital opportunity: that of confronting a variety of clinical cases.

Patients come with their own stories, symptoms and challenges.

Thus, aspiring chiropractors learn to navigate this diversity, continually adjusting, adapting and refining their approaches.

The qualification of the chiropractor: A continuous commitment to excellence

The learning doesn’t stop once you graduate.

Rather, it is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to professional excellence.

Chiropractors embrace a culture of continuing education, constantly striving to expand their knowledge and refine their skills.

Continuing education: An imperative for the chiropractor

In Canada, chiropractic is a regulated profession, governed by rigorous standards to ensure quality care for all patients.

This is why, beyond their initial training, chiropractors are required to pursue continuing education to stay at the forefront of their field. 📚

Every two years, every chiropractor is expected to accumulate at least 30 hours of continuing education, ensuring their skills and knowledge remain current.

These 30 hours should not be seen as just a box to check.

In reality, they represent a significant investment of time and energy for each professional.

These training courses are intensive sessions where learning is at the heart of every moment.

They offer the opportunity to delve deeper into specific areas of chiropractic, whether new treatment methods, cutting-edge technologies or specialized techniques tailored to particular patient groups.

Indeed, continuing education is also a chance for chiropractors to immerse themselves in the latest scientific discoveries in the field.

Medicine is constantly evolving, and chiropractic is no exception.

By incorporating recent advances in research, chiropractors ensure they provide care based on the most recent and strongest evidence.

This commitment to lifelong learning shows not only the chiropractor’s dedication to their craft, but also their desire to provide the best care possible.

Chiropractic is a constantly evolving field, with new studies and techniques emerging regularly.

Being aware of these advances is essential to ensure optimal patient care. 🔍

Understanding the journey to becoming a chiropractor provides a renewed appreciation for the profession.

Behind every consultation is solid education, hours of practice, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

As chiropractors, we are trained and prepared to help our patients navigate their way to better health.

The world of chiropractic is complex and constantly evolving, and we are ready to meet the challenges that this vocation presents.

Contact our team at the Chiro du Portage clinic now! 📱


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Chiropractic Advices



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Dr Patrick / Dr Émilie Chiropraticiens

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