How can chiropractic care prevent sports injuries?

Un coureur qui a mal à un genou

Throughout our lives, we are likely to be diagnosed with various types of injuries. Statistics show that in 2015, 1 in 4 Quebecers was seriously injured for various reasons, including sports injuries. Did you know that this represents 15% of active Quebecers who get injured while playing their favorite sports? Sports injuries are much more common than we think!

That’s why we have made it our mission to present some solutions to prevent sports injuries and thus reduce the risk of annual injuries.

We will discuss the different aspects of chiropractic care and how our methods and techniques can benefit the prevention and treatment of sports injuries.

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a natural approach that perfectly fits into the solutions for the health and quality of life concerns of Quebecers.

Chiropractic care is a health profession that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) disorders, as well as the effects of these disorders on the overall health of the individual.

This approach frees the patient from pain related to mechanical dysfunction of the body. As chiropractors, we use manual treatments in various areas, including the spine, joints, and soft tissues, to rebalance your neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems.

The chiropractic care approach is both preventive and curative. It aims not only to relieve but also to prevent the appearance of other symptoms or pain due to poor body function.

Our goal is to detect your muscular, tissue, and nerve difficulties, then apply various techniques naturally to relieve and reduce your pain.

Chiropractic Techniques for Sports Injuries

At the Chiropratique du Portage clinic, we employ various techniques to reduce and relieve your muscular, tissue, and nerve pain. Here are some of the methods we use:

  • Adjustment: Chiropractic adjustment stimulates the nervous system response, decreases joint stiffness and muscle tension, and improves the biomechanics of the entire spine. This technique helps restore body balance and optimize your sports performance while reducing the risk of injuries.
  • Active Release Technique (ART): This is a manual treatment method for soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves). This technique increases your mobility and facilitates a quick recovery after a sports injury.
  • Rehabilitation Exercise: Specific exercises based on your condition. These exercises help strengthen your body, thereby improving your resistance to injuries.
  • Neurovertebral Decompression Tables: This is a computerized treatment method aimed at treating spinal pain, particularly lumbar and cervical. This technique reduces pressure on the nerves and vertebral discs, thus relieving pain and improving spinal function.

Thanks to the variety of techniques available in chiropractic care, we can help you treat a wide range of sports injuries.

Chiropractic Care in Sports

Chiropractors are qualified to diagnose and treat sports-related injuries. Their primary goal is to reduce pain and restore the functions of the nervous system through various manual therapies.

Why choose chiropractic care for athletes?

Chiropractic services are ideal for athletes suffering from sports injuries, seeking to reduce the risk of injuries, and wanting to improve their performance. Chiropractors focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of injuries related to sports practice.

With their skills in mobilization, spinal adjustments, and peripheral care, chiropractors can guide and provide appropriate care to athletes of all levels.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes

Whether you are a high-level athlete or someone who engages in daily sports or physical activities, it is very likely that you will eventually get injured. That’s why we firmly believe in the numerous benefits of chiropractic care in preventing sports injuries.

  • Better Recovery
    Repetitive movements can create significant stress on your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Chiropractic treatments help improve tissue recovery and limit the stress inflicted on your entire body.
  • Better Range of Motion
    Pressures exerted on your body can lead to joint or vertebral dysfunctions. Regular visits to a chiropractor aid in repairing damage and improving function, thus preventing injuries.
  • Better Muscle Strength
    Numerous studies show improved muscle power in athletes regularly monitored by a chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments contribute to optimizing muscle performance.
  • Improved Healing Time
    In sports, accidents are inevitable, especially at a high level. Chiropractic care accelerates the healing of most sports injuries, allowing for a quicker return to the field.
  • Natural, Non-Invasive, and Effective Care
    Chiropractic primarily uses hands as tools, thus avoiding between 60% and 95% of surgeries. This not only reduces the cost of care but also the recovery time, offering an effective and natural solution.
  • Pain Reduction and Improved Training
    A chiropractor can help relieve pain related to your physical activity, including post-match or post-training pain whether intense or not. Improved bodily function leads to better performance and more effective training.
  • Better Performance at All Levels
    Chiropractic can increase respiratory capacity, speed, flexibility, range of motion, balance, strength, and endurance. It also reduces muscle inhibition and reaction time.

In addition to on-field benefits, regularly monitored patients report improvements such as reduced stress, better sleep, improved blood circulation, and overall better health.

Practical Tips for Integrating Chiropractic Care into Your Sports Routine

Before consulting a chiropractor, ensure their skills and expertise. It is important to trust your healthcare professional before starting various procedures to avoid wasting your time and to guarantee quality care.

Follow the Treatment Plan to the Letter

It is essential to rigorously follow the plan set by your chiropractor. Appointments and follow-ups have been carefully established to ensure optimal recovery. The frequency of visits is crucial so that your injury heals properly, and you can return to your sport or physical activity as quickly as possible.

Importance of Rehabilitation Exercises

Rehabilitation exercises are a key element of your sports recovery routine. They are designed to optimize your muscular, tissue, nerve, or skeletal recovery. Do not take these exercises lightly, as they can make a significant difference in the healing process.

By following these tips, you will be able to return to your sport or physical activities with peace of mind and optimal health.

You’re in Good Hands!

The sports field involves several aspects: performance, improvement, endurance, and perseverance. When we have a sports injury, nothing is more heartbreaking than having to stop our sport or physical activity for months, or even years.

Sports injuries come with their share of frustrations, which is why we want to help you! By making an appointment now on our website: Clinique Chiropratique du Portage – GOrendezvous, we can develop a game plan to understand the source of your pain and get you back on the field quickly.

Feel free to contact us!

🧑‍⚕️ Dre Émilie Gaudreau, chiropraticienne 

🧑‍⚕️ Dr Patrick Gaudreau, chiropraticien


Sources consulted as of July 15, 2024:

CANU, M. (2019). Les 7 bienfaits de la chiro pour les sportifs. Repéré à : 7 bénéfices de la chiro pour les sportifs – Maxime Canu.

Clinique chiropratique de l’Optium. (2024). Techniques chiropratiques. Repéré à : Techniques chiropratiques | Clinique Chiropratique l’Optimum (

Institut national de la santé publique du Québec. (2019). Études des blessures subies au cours de pratique d’activités récréatives et sportives au Québec en 2015-2016. Repéré à : Étude des blessures subies au cours de la pratique d’activités récréatives et sportives au Québec en 2015-2016 (

Kiroclinique. (2022). La chiropratique sportive pour prévenir les blessures sportives. Repéré à : Chiropratique Sportive et Blessures Sportives | Kiroclinique.

Kiroclinique. (2022). Qu’est-ce que la chiropratique ? Repéré à : Chiropratique et traitement chiropratique | Kiroclinique.

LETOMBE, I. (2020). Optimisez vos performances sportives grâce à la chiropraxie. Repéré à : Les bienfaits de la chiropraxie pour les performances sportives (

Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec. (2024). Le chiropraticien : Un expert de la santé neuromusculosquelettique (NMS). Repéré à : Quel est son rôle ? – Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec.

Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec. (2024). Qu’est-ce que la chiropratique ? Repéré à : Qu’est-ce que la chiropratique ? – Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec.

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Chiropractic Advices



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