Relieve Your Migraines with Chiropractic Care

Neck and head pain are very common among the Canadian population. About 8.3% of Canadians, or 2.7 million people, have been diagnosed with migraines by a healthcare professional. Among them, 42% reported using prescription medications. However, there are several alternative solutions to consider before resorting to medication as a long-term solution. Migraines are a symptom that chiropractors frequently treat. We believe it is possible to relieve your migraines through the various natural treatments offered by chiropractic care.

What is a Migraine?

A migraine is a severe headache, often felt on one side of the head, that occurs in episodes. It can also cause stomach problems or other symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to loud noises or light. It affects about 12% of adults and 5 to 10% of children, representing around 11 million people.

Migraines can occur as rarely as once a year or up to three times a day. The pain, which can range from moderate to severe, can last from a few hours to several days. Migraines can seriously disrupt daily life if not properly treated.

Did you know there are two types of migraines?

Migraines fall into two main categories, each with distinct characteristics:

  • Migraines without aura: This type of migraine causes a throbbing, pulsating pain, similar to a heartbeat, on one side of the head. The pain intensity is usually moderate to severe. These migraines are not accompanied by preceding neurological symptoms.
  • Migraines with aura: These migraines are characterized by recurrent attacks lasting at least five minutes. They are accompanied by visual, sensory, or neurological symptoms, such as flashes of light or tingling sensations. These symptoms are unilateral, appear gradually, and are fully reversible.

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How to Differentiate Between a Migraine and a Headache?

While migraines and tension headaches are two common types of headaches, they have notable differences. A migraine is typically characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines may also include auras, which are neurological symptoms like visual flashes.

In contrast, a tension headache presents as a dull, constant pain, often described as a tight band around the head. It is usually bilateral and is not accompanied by nausea or sensitivity to light or noise. Tension headaches are often linked to stress or muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.

Understanding these distinctions can help better manage these pains and choose the appropriate treatment.

What Triggers a Migraine?

Migraines occur because the nerve cells in the brain become overly active. They can be caused by genetic factors as well as external elements like changes in the environment.

Here are 8 common triggers of migraines:

  1. Stress: Emotional or physical stress.
  2. Hormonal changes: Especially in women, during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause.
  3. Diet: Aged cheese, chocolate, alcohol (especially red wine), and artificial sweeteners.
  4. Drinks: Excess caffeine or withdrawal from it.
  5. Environmental factors: Bright lights, loud noises, strong odors.
  6. Sleep: Lack of sleep or excessive sleep.
  7. Irregular eating: Skipping meals or fasting.
  8. Climate changes: Variations in temperature and pressure.

In addition to these triggers, poor posture at work, especially during long periods in front of a computer, can also contribute to the onset of migraines. Inadequate posture can lead to muscle tension in the neck and back, causing spinal subluxation.

A Brief Reminder of What a Spinal Subluxation Is

A spinal subluxation is a joint and nerve interference caused by a misalignment of the spine that affects communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This misalignment can also contribute to the onset of migraines.

The Chiropractic Approach to Relieve Migraines

While taking pain relievers may provide quick relief from migraine and headache symptoms, it is not a sustainable solution. Chiropractic care offers a health approach aimed at addressing bodily pain in the long term.Here are some techniques offered at our Chiropractic Clinic of Portage in Gatineau that can help alleviate migraines:

Chiropractic Adjustments: These joint manipulations aim to restore and optimize the mobility and alignment of the joints, positively influencing joint and neurological physiology.

Decompression Table: This technique uses controlled traction force on the vertebrae to reduce neck pain related to pinched nerves or discs.

Cervical Traction Unit: This tool (used in our clinic or at home) applies traction to the neck, helping to relieve tension between the vertebrae and discs.

While each patient is different and results may vary, these chiropractic techniques can help reduce some of the symptoms associated with migraines, thereby improving your quality of life.

Our Tips for Preventing Migraines

It is entirely possible to reduce the impact of migraines in your daily life:

  • Postural Hygiene: Your posture is the essential aspect to ensure that the natural curve of your neck is healthy. Whether you are at the office or at home, it is important that your cervical curve remains healthy (maintaining its natural curve) without affecting your vertebrae. Proper posture protects your body from spinal subluxations and muscle tension, which are risk factors.
  • Physical Activity: Exercise increases the level of endorphins in the body, promoting relaxation and stress resistance.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Daily lifestyle choices greatly influence physical well-being. Prioritize a healthy diet, reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake, and pay attention to the quality of your sleep.
  • Consulting a Chiropractor: Chiropractic care is an excellent solution for your overall health. Our chiropractors can provide you with various health services tailored to your situation.

Let’s Together Reduce the Impact of Migraines!

Although migraines can affect your quality of life, proactive and natural approaches can help alleviate the episodes. The Chiropractic Clinic of Portage is here to support you and inform you about ways to manage your head pain.

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding migraine symptoms and available management options.

Dr. Émilie Gaudreau, Chiropractor
Dr. Patrick Gaudreau, Chiropractor


Sources consulted as of October 11, 2024 (2024). Vivre avec la migraine. Repéré à : Migraine – Quoi faire pour soulager les migraines et éviter les récidives (

Gilmour, H. & Ramage-Morin, P. (2014). Prévalence de la migraine chez la population à domicile au Canada. Repéré à : Prévalence de la migraine chez la population à domicile au Canada (

Association des chiropraticiens du Québec. (2024). La migraine. Repéré à : La chiropratique pour vos douleurs – La migraine.

Inserm. (2020). Migraine : une maladie de mieux en mieux connue. Repéré à : Migraine · Inserm, La science pour la santé.

Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois. (2019). Colonne vertébrale – Anatomie. Repéré à : Colonne vertébrale – Anatomie – CHUV.

VisionSanté. (2010). Qu’est-ce qu’une subluxation vertébrale ? Repéré à : Qu’est-ce qu’une subluxation vertébrale ? – Vision Santé (

Chiroéquilibre. (2014). Qu’est-ce que l’ajustement chiropratique ? Repéré à : Qu’est-ce que l’ajustement chiropratique ? – Chiro-Équilibre à Repentigny (

Temps de visionnement : 4:44 minutes

Les bienfaits d’une bonne posture au travail

Adopter une posture neutre au travail peut apporter de nombreux bénéfices à votre corps :

  • Augmente votre niveau d’énergie
  • Améliore votre respiration et votre circulation sanguine
  • Diminue l’usure de vos articulations
  • Réduit le stress et les tensions sur vos muscles
  • Diminue le risque de blessures et de douleurs musculosquelettiques
  • Améliore votre système digestif
  • Et bien plus encore

Maintenir une bonne posture est essentiel pour la santé de votre colonne vertébrale et de votre système neuro-musculo-squelettique à long terme.

Un corps en santé pour vous!

Une mauvaise posture au travail peut entraîner de nombreuses conséquences négatives. L’ergonomie vise à optimiser les conditions de travail et l’interaction entre l’être humain et ses outils pour offrir le meilleur confort possible.

En chiropratique, notre objectif est de vous aider à atteindre la meilleure posture possible afin que votre corps fonctionne à son plein potentiel. Nous nous efforçons de respecter les 3 courbes naturelles de la colonne vertébrale et de limiter les pincements ou les tensions. Ainsi, nos patients peuvent maintenir une bonne posture et profiter d’une meilleure qualité de vie.

Dre Émilie Gaudreau, chiropraticienne
Dr Patrick Gaudreau, chiropraticien

Sources consultées en date du 13 octobre 2024 :

Association des chiropraticiens du Québec. (2023). Une bonne posture : respecter les courbes naturelles de votre colonne. Repéré à : Une bonne posture : Respecter les courbes naturelles de votre colonne – Association chiropratique canadienne (

Centre canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail (CCHST). (2024). Ergonomie au bureau – le bureau moderne. Repéré à : CCHST : Ergonomie au bureau – Principaux facteurs de risque professionnel.

Centre canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail (CCHST). (2024). Travail en position assise. Repéré à : CCHST : Travail en position assise – Aperçu

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST). (2021). Travail de bureau et ergonomie. Repéré à : Travail de bureau et ergonomie | Commission des normes de l’équité de la santé et de la sécurité du travail – CNESST (

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Chiropractic Advices



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