How to avoid back pain when shoveling snow? ⛄

back pain shoveling snow

That’s it, the snow is well established in Quebec! Whether we like it or not, we all have to shovel (or get shovelled) our driveways! Are you ready to spend long hours in your driveway?

Shoveling snow is not only a necessary chore – it can also be a dangerous activity. 

Unfortunately, we often overlook the risk of back injuries that can result from poor posture or overexertion. But, lifting pounds of snow can cause muscular back pain.

Did you know that nearly 31% of Canadians suffer from muscle or joint pain as a result of shoveling snow?

But luckily, there are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of injury while still enjoying the benefits of a job well done!

In this article, we’ll try to look at common causes of shoveling injuries and give you tips on how to avoid them so you can stay safe while keeping your driveways and sidewalks clear this winter.

If you’re interested, here’s a video demonstration by one of our chiropractors, Dr. Patrick Gaudreau:

How can you tell if you’ve injured your back after shoveling snow?

Back injuries can be very painful and chronic. That’s why it’s important to understand the causes of back injuries in order to avoid them. 

A back injury occurs when the soft tissues and muscles of the back are damaged or irritated. 

The main causes of back injuries are overwork, overuse, repetitive motion and prolonged poor posture.

Shoveling is a strenuous physical activity that can lead to lower back pain if not done properly. 

The risk of injury is higher for those who are not used to lifting heavy objects. Therefore, it is important to know some basic principles to avoid back injuries while shoveling snow. ????

When to worry about lower and upper back pain from shoveling snow?

Back pain can be extremely worrying and uncomfortable. It can range from a dull ache to a sharp, debilitating pain that can affect your daily life and activities. 

If you are suffering from back pain, whether mild or severe, it is important to examine the potential causes to determine if you need to see a healthcare professional. 

If your back pain is due to an accident, strenuous activities, or an injury of some kind, it is best to see your chiropractor as soon as possible. ????⚕️

Also, if symptoms worsen over time or you find that certain movements aggravate the pain, it is advisable to contact a medical professional immediately. 

In summary, any persistent or worsening back pain should be taken seriously and professional advice should be sought to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

back pain shoveling snow

Can you get back pain from shoveling snow?

Yes, it is possible to get back pain from shoveling snow. Shoveling snow is a physically demanding task that can put a lot of strain on the back, especially if it is not done properly.

When shoveling snow, it is important to use proper technique to avoid putting unnecessary strain on the back.

If you are not in good physical shape or have a pre existing back condition, you may be more prone to experiencing back pain while shoveling snow.

How can you get your back injured due to shoveling your driveway?

As with any workout, shoveling is an activity that can pose a risk of injury to the spine if not done properly. ????

The main causes of back injuries during shoveling are improper use of tools, carrying too heavy a load, excessive pressure on joints and muscles, and poor posture.

Carrying too heavy a load

First of all, carrying loads that are too heavy is one of the main causes of back injuries during shoveling snow. 

It’s important to always make sure that any loads you move are appropriate for your size and strength and are not too heavy for you. 

Use an appropriate snow shovel

Next, it is essential that you choose the proper snow shovel to perform shoveling and that you are aware of the potential hazards associated with improper use of a shovel. 

An improper snow shovel can lead to back injury due to poor posture or improper repetitive motion.

A snow shovel that is lightweight but still made of sturdy materials is recommended to choose. It should also reach your chest when you put it down.

A bad posture

Finally, pay attention to your posture! The good posture is essential to avoid back injuries during shoveling. 

It is important to be aware that poor posture can lead to excessive muscle and joint tension that can cause persistent back pain.

Therefore, it is recommended to maintain good posture throughout shoveling and take frequent breaks to rest and relieve accumulated back strain.

Here is a posture to avoid:

back pain shoveling snow

Can shoveling snow cause a herniated disc ?

Shoveling snow can potentially cause a herniated disc, a condition in which the soft, gel-like center of a spinal disc bulges out through a tear in the outer ring of the disc.

This can occur when the spine is subjected to excessive strain or stress, such as when lifting or twisting while shoveling heavy snow. Herniated discs can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area and can occur in any part of the spine, but are most common in the lower back.

If a herniated disc is suspected, it is important to see a chiropractor as soon as possible. Treatment options may include rest, physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgery.

Overall, while shoveling snow can potentially cause a herniated disc, taking precautions such as using proper lifting techniques, taking breaks, and listening to the body can help reduce the risk of injury. If in doubt, it is always best to consult with a professional for guidance and advice.

What are the proper shoveling techniques to avoid back injury from shoveling? ❄️ 

First, like any physically demanding activity, it is important to start with a warm-up. Warming up prepares the muscles of the back to withstand exercise.

Stretching and strengthening exercises can help reduce pain and improve mobility. 

Stretching exercises should be done regularly to maintain good posture, improve range of motion and help stabilize the back.

Maintain good posture while shoveling

First, it is important to keep your back straight and not lean too far forward or backward. Contract your abs and bend at the knees to maintain good posture while lifting. 

Also avoid leaning to the side or turning your head and neck while shoveling.

We want to avoid any flexion in the lumbar region, which is often the reason for lower back injuries, such as herniated discs, sprained ankles, spinal injuries, lumbar sprains, etc.

Knees should always be bent when lifting a heavy object to use your abdominal muscles to lift the load rather than your back. 

The weight should be evenly distributed between the arms and legs to promote optimal weight distribution.

To do this, you can prioritize a squat position! By bending the knees, we can be sure that our back will be spared!

Hold the shovel in the right way

There’s another important aspect that is how we hold our shovels. The goal being to put our hands at the ends of the shovel handle: One hand on the handle, and the other closer to the bucket (the bottom of the shovel). 

Here is an example:

back pain shoveling snow

Throwing snow the right way

Finally, the way you throw the snow matters on the chances of hurting your back while shoveling. 

Much like those who put down their weights at the gym by twisting their back, we avoid doing the same when throwing our snow. 

What are the symptoms of back injuries?

The main symptoms of shoveling-related back injuries are primarily severe lower back pain and stiffness, which may also be accompanied by breathing problems and general fatigue. 

In some cases, there may be loss of appetite and frequent headaches, as well as worsening pain when bending or turning. 

Other symptoms include numbness or weakness in the legs and lower back, as well as stabbing pains that extend up the body.

If you find that you are already suffering from a shoveling-related back injury, it is important that you seek immediate chiropractic care for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How do you stop your back from hurting when shoveling ?

Chiropractors are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain.

When shoveling, it is easy to strain your back muscles due to the repetitive bending and twisting movements involved.

A chiropractor can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with these types of injuries by performing adjustments to the spine. These adjustments can help to realign the spine, which can take pressure off of the muscles and nerves in the back.

Additionally, a chiropractor may also recommend other treatment methods such as massage therapy, exercises, and stretches to help strengthen the back muscles and promote healing. 

It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible after experiencing back pain while shoveling, as early intervention can help to prevent the condition from worsening and potentially leading to more serious injuries.

If you are experiencing back pain after shoveling, it is advisable to visit a chiropractor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Getting to the root of the problem for back pain treatment

In conclusion, shoveling snow can be a high-risk activity for the back and injuries are very common. 

It is therefore essential to use good posture and choose proper tools to avoid injury and ensure that you maintain good physical health. 

However, regular exercise is also recommended to strengthen the back and reduce the risk of injury. Finally, it is strongly recommended to consult a chiropractor if pain or difficulties are encountered while shoveling.

Regardless of the cause, a proper diagnosis will not only identify the exact cause of the pain and examine its severity, but will also help to find an appropriate treatment plan that will allow you to regain your normal physical and functional abilities without danger or further aggravation.

Make an appointment with one of our chiropractors at the Clinique Chiropratique du Portage if you are having trouble shoveling your driveway!

Happy shoveling!

Dr. Émilie Gaudreau, chiropractor

Dr. Patrick Gaudreau, chiropractor

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Chiropractic Advices



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