Some exercises to decompress your elevator scapula muscle


Have you ever found yourself holding your neck and wondering why it was so tight?

Have you ever felt a sharp pain in your shoulder every time you raise your arm?

If so, don’t worry, you are not alone!

The elevator scapula muscle can be a real headache for many of us, but luckily there are some simple exercises you can do to help relieve this tension and get you back on your feet.

What is the elevator scapula muscle?

The elevator scapula is a small muscle located in the neck and attached to the scapula (shoulder blade). As the name suggests, its main function is to lift the scapula, which helps raise the shoulders.

It is often called upon when we are stressed or tense, and can therefore become tense or contracted by being constantly called upon.

This is why it is important to take care of this muscle to avoid pain and tension in the neck and shoulders.

Why can this muscle be tense?

The elevator scapula muscle can be tight for several reasons.

First, as mentioned before, it is frequently called upon when we are stressed or tense.

This can happen when we spend long hours sitting in front of a computer, or when we are under stress or anxiety.

In addition, poor posture can also contribute to the tension of this muscle.

If you have a habit of holding your shoulders high or arching your back, it can put extra pressure on this muscle and cause it to contract.

Finally, injuries or muscle imbalances can also cause tension in the elevator scapula muscle.

For example, if you have suffered a shoulder injury or have weakness in other muscles in the area, it can cause that muscle to be overcompensated and therefore excessive tension.


How do you prevent elevator scapula muscle strain from work or daily activities?

There are several ways to prevent elevator scapula muscle strain from work or daily activities.

Here are some tips to consider for releasing nervous or muscular tension:

✔️ Take regular breaks: If you work at a computer or sit for long periods of time, take regular breaks to get up, stretch and move around.

✔️ Adjust your posture: make sure you sit and stand with good posture, keeping your shoulders relaxed and your back straight.

✔️ Exercising Regularly: Consistently practising exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles in the neck and shoulder area can help prevent muscle strain.

✔️ Use ergonomic supports: If you work at a desk, use an ergonomic chair and a comfortable keyboard and mouse to avoid muscle strain.

✔️ Learn Relaxation Techniques: Learning relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce stress and muscle tension.

By following these simple tips, you can help prevent elevator scapula strain and maintain good muscle and joint health.

What can elevator scapula strain cause in the long term?

Chronic tension in the elevator scapulae muscle can cause many long-term problems.

First, it can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back, which can become chronic if the tension is not relieved.

It can also cause headaches and neck pain, as the tension in the muscle can radiate to the top of the head.

Also, tension in the elevator scapula muscle can affect mobility in the shoulder, which can cause pain and stiffness in this area.

Finally, it can also influence the quality of your sleep, as muscle tension can prevent you from relaxing and falling asleep easily.

It is therefore important to take care of this muscle and relieve tension as soon as it appears, in order to avoid long-term complications and to maintain good muscle and joint health. ✨

Some exercises to decompress your muscles

Along with chiropractic treatments, regular exercise can also help reduce muscle tension in the elevator scapula muscle.

Exercises can help strengthen muscles in the area, improve joint mobility, as well as reduce muscle imbalances that can contribute to tension.

This is also the reason we offer you, in the following section, some exercises, and stretches to do when you feel that you are tense.

In the event that you wish to have more details on the right positions to perform, Dr. Émilie Gaudreau, chiropractor, has prepared a video that explains the different movements.

However, it is always strongly recommended that you consult with a medical professional before beginning any exercise program, to ensure that the exercises chosen are appropriate for your situation and level of fitness.

Self-massage on the wall

The first exercise that we suggest to you is that of self-massage on the wall.

First, to perform this first exercise, you will have to stand with your back to a wall.

Thus, you will have to come and take a tennis ball to place it between you and the wall at the height of your point of tension.   

Thereafter, you will be able to roll on the wall in order to release the said tension in question.

For optimal effect, we promptly advise you to perform this exercise for 60 seconds on each side.


The second exercise that we recommend is a stretch that is done from behind.

More specifically, we come to place our hands backwards to come back and lower our shoulders as well.

In other words, we want to come down with our shoulder blade.

This is how we will be able to feel the tension that will eventually dissipate.

Stretching by tilting the head to the side

The third exercise we offer you is a stretch related to the head.

To perform it, you will have to tilt your head to the side, rotate in the opposite direction of your shoulder and then come down your shoulder.

For optimal results, it is possible to come and take weights to lower the shoulder further.

We repeat this stretch for about twenty seconds on each side, and we repeat the whole thing about ten times.

At Clinique Chiropratique du Portage…

If you suffer from chronic mid-back tension, a stress point that just won’t go away, it’s important to take steps to relieve yourself and prevent long-term complications.

At Clinique Chiropratique du Portage, we can help you treat these muscle tension problems with chiropractic techniques that can help loosen tight muscles, reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility.

We can also provide you with tips to improve your posture and reduce tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.

By working with us, you can regain good muscle and joint health, as well as an improved quality of life.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with us at Chiro Du Portage to learn more about how we can help you regain optimal well-being.

Contact us: 819-775-9797 to make an appointment with one of our chiropractors.

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Chiropractic Advices



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